"> Emu Creek Park Planting Group - Ginninderra Catchment Group

Emu Creek Park Planting Group

Geographical area: Emu Creek Park Planting Group is a neighbourhood group working on drainage line/open area west of Renny Place, near the intersection of Eastern Valley Way and Belconnen Way, in Belconnen.
Activities: The group usually meets monthly to work on bush regeneration, weeding and plantings Other endeavours include, tackling African Lovegrass, more plantings including some bush tucker, establishing a “tool library”, and setting up set up habitat boxes for microbats.
Check out what the group is up to on their Facebook Page.

Contact: To join the group or find out about upcoming meetups, please contact John Giacon, Convenor, jgiacon@ozemail.com.au, 0421177932.

Photo: Planting activity under strict supervision :-)))