Eavesdropping on frogs – group event
Would you like listen to frog calls while in good company, sipping hot chocolate? Then this might be the thing for you!
FrogWatch will run two walk and talk sessions in August as a great opportunity to meet other FrogWatchers and tune your ears into our winter breeding frogs. Feel free to drag along a froggy-friend or two.
BYO cup, wear sturdy shoes, a cosy layer and have your torch ready.
The events are free, but a gold coin donation on the night is encouraged.
Find out more and register via Eventbrite to secure your spot:
Frogs Walk and Talk @ Mt Majura – Monday 1 August 2022, arrive 6:15pm for 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Frogs Walk and Talk @ West Belconnen – Tuesday 2 August 2022, arrive 6:15pm for 6:30pm – 7:30pm