Ginninderra Catchment Group undertakes a range of priority programs.
- Community environmental stewardship (Urban landcare and Parkcare)
- Citizen Science
- Maintaining priority ecosystems
- Grassland Restoration
- Box-Gum Woodland Restoration
- Aboriginal Land Management and Heritage Protection
- Rural Landcare
- Waterways and riparian areas
- Environmental education
- Ginninderra Falls
- Protecting Our Bush on the Boundary
- Action on Weeds around Wallaroo This project is supporting landholders from Wallaroo, Hall and Spring Range areas to manage their weeds for improved agricultural productivity and biodiversity.
- Greater Goorooyarroo Project The Greater Goorooyarroo area covers 30,500ha which include remnants of nationally significant Box-Gum Woodlands. This project provides long-term opportunities for landowners to get involved in woodland conservation and support the vital role woodlands play in biodiversity and carbon storage.
- Adult Poplar Removal Proposal, Ginninderra Creek Riparian Zone Macgregor
- Lower Ginninderra Creek Riparian Restoration Project This cross-border collaborative project helped address woody weeds issues in the Ginninderra creek downstream of Lake Ginninderra and into NSW
- Natural Temperate Lowland Grassland Species of the ACT and Region Brochure
- Blackberry removal – a catchment wide approach to eradication
- Restoring Our Grasslands – Going Back to the Future – The Ginninderra Catchment Group and the North Belconnen Landcare Group are investigating management techniques to turn weed-filled grasslands into the healthy, diverse native grasslands that formerly dominated the Ginninderra Creek corridor.
- Evatt Grassland Trial
- Controlling Serrated Tussock Using Tillage and Native Pasture Establishment – A project with local landholders to control serrated tussock using innovative management techniques.