For more information go to the Friends of the Pinnacle Website
For upcoming events, see: What’s on at The Pinnacle
Geographic Focus: The Pinnacle Nature Reserve, located south of the suburbs of Hawker and Weetangera in Belconnen is now 153-hectares in size with the addition in 2016 of an extension under the Offsets Program. This extension bridges the original reserve with the Kama Nature Reserve to the south. We also carry out some activities in the adjacent paddocks between the Reserve and William Hovell Drive (see location map).
A great place to walk: Fantastic views to the northwest right around to the south, more than 600 native species of flora and fauna and a good track network make The Pinnacle a great place for a recreational walk or for something more energetic and it’s right on the doorstep of the Belconnen suburbs. At our tracks web page you can download a high resolution map to guide you around the Reserve.
Guided Walks: Guided walks are held in Autumn and Spring centred around various topics. The seasonal walks programs are advertised on our website usually in March and August; individual walks are advertised on our “what’s on” calendar and also usually on the GCG calendar of events.
Weed control: Most weed control is carried out by individuals or small groups with herbicides. These activities are necessarily dependent on the weather and availability of ChemCert trained volunteers. Non-chemical weed control is carried out by small working parties every Thursday and most Saturday mornings, weather permitting. Check our calendar for latest details, or contact us at
Revegetation: Considerable tree planting was carried out in the 1990s by our predecessors, the “Pinnacle Environment Group”, among others. This greatly enhanced the Reserve as pleasant place to walk as well as providing improved bird habitat (nearly half of all bird species in the ACT have been observed on the Reserve). In recent years we have been carrying out complementary planting of ground-layer and shrub-layer plants to complement the trees and further enhance the area for native birds and animals (see Pinnacle revegetation). Planting events are held as needed, usually in Autumn or Spring. Check our calendar for latest details, or contact us via email.
Contact: email
About Us:
Friends of The Pinnacle (fotpin) is a group of ParkCare volunteers with a common interest in protecting, enhancing and promoting the ecological values of the Pinnacle Nature Reserve (PNR). We formed in 2010 to build on the legacy of an earlier group – the Pinnacle Environment Group – whose activities in the 1990s, including extensive revegetation, greatly enhanced the Reserve.
The group’s goal is to foster an enduring community of interest that protects and enhances the ecological values of the Pinnacle Nature Reserve. To this end, the group’s objectives include promoting and implementing strategies that:
- foster community interest and pride in, and care for, the Reserve;
- improve ecological function; and
- halt and reverse threats to ecological function posed by pest plants and animals and by land and water degradation.
Our primary focus is weed control and we are building evidence of our success (see our achievements).
We encourage participation by all who use and value the Pinnacle Nature Reserve. In April 2020 we had 98 members and a further 192 interested people on our email list.