"> Moncrieff Landcare Group - Ginninderra Catchment Group

Moncrieff Landcare Group

Moncrieff suburb sign with mulched garden bed in front.Moncrieff Landcare Group – also known as Moncrieff Litter Action Group – started from local residents who were concerned about the litter problem in Moncrieff and started regular clean up events. The group has developed to include other activities including multiple planting projects along the waterway area with trees and new garden beds at the entrance to the suburb.

Regular meetups: We meet the first Sunday each month (dependent on interest). Our main activity is litter pickup. We meet wherever the clean up is needed. Meetups only go ahead if we get enough numbers, so if you are interested, please email the convenor Selwyn at jonesselwyn@hotmail.com.

Interested in what we’re up to? Please contact us and we will add you to our comms channels. Email: jonesselwyn@hotmail.com.