"> Waterwatch: Education - Ginninderra Catchment Group

Waterwatch: Education

Education activities

Waterwatch is now available to provide field based education sessions with schools and youth groups. We have the personnel and equipment to provide hands-on, locally-based waterway education. We have nets, trays, buckets, and water quality kits, pamphlets and storybooks designed to cover various freshwater topics.

Classes can range from simply fishing for water bugs with the junior kids, through to older grades conducting water quality and habitat assessments that help to make linkages between our behaviours and river health. Classes are free, but limited, so book early to avoid missing out.

If a coordinator is not able to join the class in person, some extra standalone education materials are available on the Waterwatch website. There is also water quality and waterbug kits to loan out.

If you are interested, please get in touch on 62783309 or waterwatch@ginninderralandcare.org.au