"> Crace Landcare Group - Ginninderra Catchment Group

Crace Landcare Group

Geographical focus: The Crace Landcare Group works on conservation projects to keep the suburb of Crace beautiful and healthy.

Activities: The group meets around once per month (see Crace 2024 schedule). They work towards protecting existing parks, reserves, flora and fauna through tackling a range of issues such as litter and weeds, Members of the group also partake in the annual FrogCensus (FrogWatch), water quality monitoring (Waterwatch) and other Landcare initiatives.

History: The Crace Landcare Group was established in August 2014, when the Crace Community Facilitator called for people interested in the preservation of the Crace local environment. A group of 10 environmentally-aware Crace residents met to discuss potential projects and their common interest in the ongoing care for the local environment and its values.

Check out photos from Crace Landcare.

Contact: If you would like to join in an activity with Crace Landcare Group, please email cracelandcare@gmail.com or contact us via the group on Facebook.