90% of the Box Gum Woodland communities of South Eastern Australia have been lost due to urban development and habitat destruction. Of the remaining 10%, only half is considered to be of good quality habitat.
The ACT is fortunate to be home to many of these patches, but this means that we have a responsibility to protect them. Although much of this community type is found in the southern parts of the ACT there are significant patches within the Ginninderra catchment, including Mulligans Flat, Goorooyarroo, Aranda Bushland and the CSIRO Field Station. For a list of patches in the Ginninderra Catchment check out this page.
GCG has partnered with CSIRO to run community planting days at the Field Station site on the Barton Highway, to restore the Box Gum woodland and improve the connectivity between patches of woodland habitat. These connections across the landscape are vital for the movement of small birds, such as the threatened Hooded Robin. Brown Tree creeper and Scarlet Robin.